ESG CAPER Submission Information

The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) is the primary mechanism for Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program accomplishment reporting. 

In the initial May 2012 release of the eCon Planning Suite, HUD included limited screens for the ESG portion of the CAPER (screens CR-60, CR-65, CR-70, and CR-75). HUD informed recipients that this initial release was a “transition” CAPER and that HUD would develop a more comprehensive report template at a future date. 

HUD updated the ESG CAPER in October 2015 and launched ESG-CAPER Annual Reporting Tool (eCart), which required reporting from the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) or, where appropriate, comparable database. This redesign aligned the ESG CAPER with the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program’s Annual Performance Report (APR). Beginning October 1, 2017, recipients may use Sage to report all required HMIS data on persons assisted with ESG. 

The Sage screens for ESG replace screen CR-65 in the eCon Planning Suite and eCart. Recipients can no longer use eCart; subrecipients may upload their ESG CAPER report directly into Sage instead. Grant information in Sage is populated on a regular basis with grant and financial information captured in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). Below is the sequence of information flow from individual homeless assistance providers (the subrecipients responsible for entering data into HMIS) to the ESG recipient (responsible for submitting the CAPER report to HUD). 

Click HERE for the HUD ESG CAPER Guidance website.

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