NH Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check back as we will be updating this page regularly. If you have a question, please email: nhhmis@icalliances.org

Can I have access to the HMIS Training Site?
  • Yes! Please email the help desk for login information
I need access to Clarity and/or I have someone who needs access. What are the next steps?
  • Please email the help desk and we will get you set up with the required trainings.

I have access to Clarity - what do I do now?

  • Login and change your password
  • Gather paperwork and information for clients that entered your programs during the blackout period
  • Review the Basic Data Entry Guide and CE Data Entry Guide
  • Ensure Clients have a new Statewide Data Sharing ROI signed
  • Search for clients in Clarity
  • Add any new clients in Clarity
  • Enroll your clients in your Agency's programs
  • Add any notes, record services, add file attachments, etc.
  • Exit any clients / household from your Agency's programs that left during the blackout period 

I am seeing a lot of duplicate Client records. Can you merge them?

  • Yes! ICA is working on merging all duplicates in the system! Please be patient as this will take some time. 

Can I delete things in the system? How?

  • Yes! Click HERE for a guide on how to delete:
    • Client Enrollments
    • Services
    • Notes
    • File Attachments

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your NH HMIS System Administrators: nhhmis@icalliances.org

Copyright 2022 Institute for Community Alliances. All rights reserved.

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