VT Family Supportive Housing Resources

The Family Supportive Housing (FSH) program reduces the incidence and duration of child and family homelessness in Vermont by supporting homeless families with minor children to transition to, and sustain, stable housing through targeted provision of case management, service coordination and coordinated access to affordable housing. 

Family Supportive Housing provides intensive, customized, case management services and service coordination to families experiencing homelessness who present with a higher degree of complexity and service need. 

The Office of Economic Opportunity administers the Family Supportive Housing Program through partnerships with local community-based nonprofits contracted as “Family Supportive Housing Providers.” These local Family Supportive Housing Providers support access to housing for families experiencing homelessness and support families in their housing by providing case management, housing support services and service coordination that will: 

  1. Address the root causes which led to the family becoming homeless. 
  2. Encourage positive, non-judgmental, trauma-informed communication and engagement. 
  3. Build resiliency in parents and children. 
  4. Increase financial empowerment. 
  5. Help the family remain stably housed.


Please check back regularly as we are in the process of updating our documentation and resources.

HMIS Guides and Training:

AHS Information:

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your VT HMIS System Administrators; vthmis@icalliances.org

Copyright 2022 Institute for Community Alliances. All rights reserved.

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