VT HOP Clarity Custom Reports

The Vermont Department for Children and Families, Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) administers Vermont’s Housing Opportunity Grant Program (HOP). The program provides a blend of state and federal (ESG) funding to support operations, staffing, and homelessness prevention and rapid rehousing assistance at approximately 39 non-profit emergency shelter, transitional housing, rehousing and prevention organizations serving all regions of the state.

Project Types funded:

  • Emergency Shelter
  • Rapid Rehousing
  • Homelessness Prevention
  • Transitional Housing 
  • Coordinated Entry and CE Housing Navigation

HOP Reporting is required to be done quarterly and annually. Each project type has specific performance measures that they need to report on. OEO has created these performance measures and distributes the reporting templates. ICA has created custom reports in Clarity that pull the HMIS data for projects so they can report to OEO each quarter and annually.

HMIS Resources:

AHS Resources:

HUD Information

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your VT HMIS System Administrators; vthmis@icalliances.org

Copyright 2022 Institute for Community Alliances. All rights reserved.

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