Assessment Details Report
[GNRL-210] Assessment Details Report
Report Purpose and Summary
The Assessment Details report lists all the responses to the questions on the selected assessment. The responses for each client are included. This report requires an Assessment during the reporting period. An enrollment is not required to be included in this report. Anyone can run the report, but only for Assessments for which their Agency has access. This report is only available to download as a zip file.
Make sure you are operating in Clarity under the agency you are running the report for. You can check and change this under your name in the top right corner.
Step 1: Click on the Launchpad and select the Reports icon.
Step 2: Once on the Reports main page, click the down arrow next to the Assessment Based Reports to expand the section.
Step 3: Click the Run button next to [GNRL-210] Assessment Details Report.
Reporting Parameters
Step 4: Enter the following parameters:
Assessment Screen(s) | Choose which active assessment(s) to include in the report (hold either control/command/shift button to select multiple) |
Report Date Range | Choose Start Date and End Date of reporting period |
Report Output Format | Zip with XLSX |
Step 5: Click submit

To open the report, either select Open on the popup or click the Queue icon and then click Open.
Reporting Details
This report provides data for the following fields for each assessment:
- Unique ID
- Staff Name
- Agency Name (Only on admin version)
- Program Name - only populated on assessments connected to a program
- Client Last Name
- Client First Name
- Last 4 of SSN
- Age, as of the Assessment Date or Report Start Date, whichever is greater
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Assessment Score - if there is an Assessment Processor for the Assessment
- All fields from the selected assessment