Rental Subsidy Fields

To more accurately capture the rent burden faced by our clients and our programs, the HMIS Advisory Board has approved adding “Total Monthly Rent Amount” to the enrollment and exit screens of all Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing, and Prevention programs in HMIS.  ICA has also included “Zip Code of Rental Unit” for further analysis of rent amounts in locations around the state.  

We are asking agencies to update these fields for any clients who have been active in your programs as of 1/1/2025 and after.  

Below is an explanation of the fields that were added to the Enrollment and Exit Screens.  

Please reach out to your system admins if you have any questions. 

Fields Added to the Enrollment Screen: 

Homeless Prevention Programs

  • Does the client hold a lease? If “Yes”, the following questions appear: 
  • Total Monthly Rent Amount 
  • Zip Code of Rental Unit   

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Permanent Housing Programs & Rapid Rehousing Programs

These fields only appear when a Housing Move-in-Date is entered

  • Total Monthly Rent Amount 
  • Zip Code of Rental Unit 

Fields Added to the Exit Screen

For all Permanent Supportive Housing and Prevention Programs

  • Has rent amount changed since program enrollment? If yes, the following fields appear: 
  • Updated Monthly Rent Amount 
  • Has client moved to a new unit since enrollment? 
  • Zip Code of Rental Unit 

We also have a data quality report available to help you identify who needs these fields answered. It is located here: 

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Here are the filters for the report: 

Copyright 2025 Institute for Community Alliances. All rights reserved.

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