VT CoC Funded Projects and HMIS
Vermont has two Continuum of Care (CoC) that receive funding from HUD.
- Balance of State (BoS) [VT - 500]
- Chittenden / Burlington [VT - 501]
Use these guides and trainings to assist with the data entry required for your CoC funded project.
CoC projects funded include:
- Rapid Rehousing
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Youth Demonstration Project
- Coordinated Entry
CoC Funded Resources
Guides and Trainings
- PSH / Permanent Supportive Housing (website link)
- RRH / Rapid Rehousing (website link)
- BoS Coordinated Entry (website link)
- Chittenden Coordinated Entry (website link)
CoC Information
- Balance of State (BoS) [VT - 500] CoC Trainings (VCEH website)
HUD Information
- HUD CoC Programs (HUD Exchange website)
- HUD CoC HMIS Program Manual (HUD Exchange website)
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your VT HMIS System Administrators; vthmis@icalliances.org
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